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CSA Week 3: and the rains came

Hello All,

Happy Solstice! This weekend the heat broke and the thunderheads rolled in. After a sticky week, the relief of the  pelting rain felt so good. As a farmer, when it rains on a weekend, it feels as though mother nature is saying "rest, let me take over!" We don't run around worrying about watering everything. We take a little time and space to recuperate. 

Farming is a good exercise in letting go. We could farm all week and through the weekend, as we often do, checking tasks off the endless to do list, but sometimes we must rest. We have learned to take time for river dips, and slow mornings at our favorite cafe with friends, long dinners made with farm ingredients and afternoons listening to the rain. The farm is a living and wild organism, always a bit out of control and full of endless needs and tasks. When we step back, take a nap or go away, we come home with a renewed energy, a shifted perspective. Plus, the farm is always there for us, growing, living, breathing, wild.

The veggies are growing like crazy and we have some exciting new items in shares this week. Cucumbers (from our new high tunnel!) will make an appearance, as well as beets and two new kinds of head lettuce. The peas are loaded again so hopefully you have some time for pick your own. Last week we harvested 60lbs of peas after you all had picked. There will probably be one more week of peas after this. Dig in!

If you are an 8 week member and know you won't be picking up tomorrow, please let us know! It helps us with harvest numbers. Also, please return glass granola jars to me so I can reuse them. Thank you!

What's in my share this week?


This week may include:

Kale - chop leaves and stems and sauté with oil, salt and pepper.

Swiss Chard - rainbow bunches, great sauted with oil, soy sauce and sesame seeds. Pro Tip - saute the stems first to give them a chance to soften.

Head Lettuce - this week we have romaine and a new variety called Marciano which is a smooth leaf red head. 

Leaf Lettuce - a mix of red and green flat and curly. Washed, bagged and ready to salad!

Pea Shoots - last week for this early summer treat. Enjoy on their own or in salads or sandwiches.

Red Beets - the first of the beets! The real beauty of early beets are the greens. Chop and saute like you would swiss chard, so delish. Be sure to separate the tops from the beets for storage, it helps both last longer.

Fennel - another week of fennel and it has grown a bit bigger. Great eaten raw or try the beet fennel soup in the recipe section below.

Cucumbers - the first of many. Our cucumber plants are looking incredible. Slender and beautiful fruits, so crunchy and delicious. Best eaten raw or in a salad.

Bok Choy - large heads this week. These were grown under a protective row cover and look amazing.

Garlic Scapes - it is scape season! Grab some basil from the herb garden and make scape pesto. Or saute them before you add leafy greens to the pan for added flavor.

Plant Seedling - we have leftover seedlings from our Plant Sales this year. If you are still planting your garden, grab a seedling or two! We have peppers, oregano, sage, basil and thyme. This will be the last week for plant seedlings.

Available for Pick your Own

Peas - snap and snow, the rows are loaded!





Lemon Balm





They are just starting but the calendula is really popping as well as some cosmos.Pick your own herbs, flowers and peas are open any time. If you don't have time on Tuesdays, come back another day, we would love to see you.

CSA Pickup Important Reminders

Pickup is from 2pm-5:30pm at Nubanusit Neighborhood and Farm, Peterborough, NH, 03458.

Once you arrive, follow the driveway past all of the garages until you see a barn (follow the green arrows!) Please park in front of the parking signs and/or along the guardrail. Walk straight ahead toward first barn, look for the open flag. This is the new Farm Store and CSA pickup location.

Please bring a few reusable bags to pack your share into.

Remember! 8 Week Shares can pickup any 8 weeks over the 16 week season. You are in charge of making sure you pickup 8 times throughout the season. If you already know which dates you will be picking up, please let me know by responding to this email.

If you can't make pick up one week, please let me know as soon as possible. We have options!

Remember to wash your produce once you get home and store properly. Our veggies can last weeks if stored properly! Click the document below for tips on storing your produce. Leafy greens will last 2+ weeks if stored in a sealed plastic bag.


Recipe ideas below!

Recipes Ideas:

The hot days have us reaching for simple salads that come together quickly with what we have on hand. The arrival of cucumbers is always a welcome addition. We have been loving chopping up cucumbers with feta (try the salty sea feta from the Farm Store), parsley and any other things you have on hand like turnips, radish, pea shoots. Simple, cooling and yummy.This beet fennel soup is simple and full of flavor. Plus the color! If you are looking for a cooler way to enjoy your beets try this beet, lentil, kale salad. You can also just grate beets on top of any salad. Remember to save the beet greens to saute and enjoy later.The basil grew a lot this past week, grab some to make scape basil pesto. Have fun! Send us recipes if you tried something and loved it.THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We are excited to be growing for you. See you on Tuesday.

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